Peace & Plenty Hotel
Meet me at the pool at midnight!
Last week I spent a week at Club Peace & Plenty, a landmark hotel in the center of Georgetown. Named after an English trading ship, the location is known to have been a slave market during the late 1700s. Two hundred years later, in 1958, the Peace & Plenty was established by Lawrence Lewis, the grandnephew of railroad tycoon, Henry Flagler. What was the old plantation cookhouse, was now the hotel bar! Exuma’s Peace & Plenty became a Bahamian boutique hotel where the rich and beautiful overindulged in sex, booze, and the mastery of the golden tan.
Iconic American photographer, Slim Aarons, sought to capture images that epitomized glamour and the jet set life. He found this at the Peace & Plenty in 1967, where he snapped this picture of “attractive people, doing attractive things, in attractive places.”
The famous Bloody Mary was the drink of choice around the pool … bottoms up and tops off! Skinny dipping and Goombay Smashers at The Sandbar, sounds good to me! Inquiries welcome!